Cordros Asset Management boss advises investors on mutual funds


Investors have been advised to use professionals and diversify their investments in order to minimize risks and enjoy competitive returns through mutual funds considering the volatility in the Nigerian financial system.

The advice came from the acting Managing Director of Cordros Asset Management Limited (CAML), a subsidiary of Cordros Capital Limited, Mrs. Olafisayo Ogunbiyi-Badaru, who spoke in Lagos on the current state of the financial markets.

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According to her, despite the volatility in the market, there are still investment opportunities that investors can take advantage of using the professional services that will ensure steady income.

She noted that in line with CAML’s strategy to create array of products suitable for the underserved retail segment of the economy, the company is currently offering 10 million units of Cordros Money Market Fund (CMMF) at N100 per unit, with minimum subscription of N10,000.

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