Stakeholders kick against economic partnership on agricultural produce between EU, ECOWAS


Stakeholders in agricultural sector from the sixteen Economic Communities West Africa States (ECOWAS) have kicked against the economic partnership on agricultural produce between the European Union and ECOWAS. They said such trade agreement would open up the regional markets in West Africa to imported subsidised food products from other continents.

The farmers under the aegis of Association for the Promotion of Livestock in the Sahel and Savannah (APESS), Confederation of Traditional Livestock Organisation (CORET), Network of Breeders Organisations and Pastoralists in Africa Reseau Billital Maroobe (RBM) and the Network of Farmers and Producers Organisation in West Africa (ROPPA), made the call in Abuja.

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They equally advocated for coherence, alignment and harmonisation in sectoral polices in agriculture in other to boost food production in the region.Speaking on behalf of the farmers ahead of the meeting of Ministers, the President of ROPPA, Djibo Bangna stated that leaders from the West Africa tension must invest heavily in agriculture

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