I write to congratulate you on your exit from The Punch after years of meritorious service. I am aware you left against your wish because you were asked to resign your appointments for whatever reasons. It is a better option than being sacked or dismissed.
Given the antecedents of your predecessors and the tradition of the paper your work for, I am sure you know that situations like this could arise. You sure know what I mean.
Considering your performance over the years that has earned you, the company and staff various commendations and awards, you deserved to be celebrated rather than been sent off summarily.
I know you would have preferred if it was your decision to leave on your own terms having made necessary plans for life after The Punch. Unfortunately, you had to say goodbye in a hurry.
Your staff and other colleagues are shocked by your sudden exit without the opportunity of a well-deserved send forth ceremony where they would have shared testimonies of how well you ran your publications and the impact you made on their careers.
Notwithstanding the circumstances of your exit, I have no doubt that history will be fair to both of you as being among the best editors the company has ever had.
You are both accomplished professional journalists in your own rights and you should be proud of your tenure. It is human to err and whatever mistakes you made or were made on your behalf as it is the case in some instances are not enough to diminish your outstanding credentials.
We can continue to debate the appropriateness of the decision to force you to resign so that better decision could be taken in situations like this when next they occur, but that should be the least of your concern for now.
Now that your stay in The Punch is over, it is time to move on with your career and life. Death according to Shakespeare is a necessary end, it will come when it will come. Thankfully this is not about death, it is part of the usual package associated with the positions you occupied. It is just a temporary setback which you will overcome.
This is an opportunity to review your career and think of the next thing to do. It’s time to reflect on some of those things you have always wanted to do which your hectic schedule never allowed.
It is an opportunity to maximise all the experiences you have gained on the job and chart a new career path. You will be surprised what you have the capacity to do beyond your routine over the years if you take time to properly explore your skills and the ones you could learn.
Don’t worry if your phones stop ringing as much as they used to with calls from all those who want you to help publish one thing or the other. The favour seekers have moved on to your successors. This is the time for deeper reflection, time to get the deserved holiday and reconnect with your family in the way your work has never allowed you.
My best wishes.
It will be well with you my brother and sister.
NB: Ayankola and Deji-Folutile were until Monday, editor Daily and Saturday of the Punch respectively.