NSE Staffs Give Back To Community

Nigerian Stock Exchange NSE-Oscar Onyema

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) is pleased to announce that its employees recently donated food and sundry items to charities in communities where they work and live as part of the annual employee give-back initiative. In addition, they also volunteered their time and resources to mentor some students in select school under the Employee Volunteering Programme (EVP).

Under the NSE EVP, employees visited and contributed their time and talent to teach students of Wesley School for the Hearing Impaired Children, Lagos about the basics of financial literacy with the help of a sign language interpreter. In addition, they donated fire extinguishers, plastic chairs and bags of rice to the school.

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For the employee give-back initiative, NSE employees donated food items, clothes and sundry items to three charities namely The Lagos Food Bank Initiative, Agege, Lagos, Total Parental Guidance Orphanage, Ibadan, Oyo State and Christian Relief Fund Motherless Babies Home, Obosi, Anambra State. On selection of the charity homes, employees submitted their choice beneficiaries and a raffle draw was done to pick three recipients.

The Exchange, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy instituted an Employee Volunteering Scheme and Employee Give-Back Initiative in 2015, to encourage employees give back to the community whilst providing them with hands on experience and the opportunity to make worthwhile difference to their operating community.

For the flagship scheme, the Pacelli School for the Blind and Partially Sighted Children, Lagos, Heart of Gold Children s Hospice, Lagos and Regina Mundi Home for the Elderly, Lagos were chosen as beneficiaries. The Exchange continues to build a sustainable capital market by championing sustainability along four key impact areas of Marketplace, its platform for promoting market-based approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) imperatives; Community, where the NSE makes contributions to positively impact lives; Workplace, through which the Exchange facilitates diversity, wellbeing and harness the talent and skills of its people; and the Environment as it focuses on reducing its environmental impact.

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