NSE Activates Index Circuit Breakers Rule


The Management of NSE has decided to effectively activate its circuit breaker rule, which also known as “Trading Halts Due To Extraordinary Market Volatility” today. This is aimed to guide against unnecessary sell-off of equities that arises out of panic, unverified market sentiments, price manipulation and false alert rather than fundamentals.

The interpretation of this is that hence forth the management of NSE would halt trading for a limited period (30minutes) if the Key Benchmark Index drops below 5% or gains above 5% during any trading session.

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This is meant to protect investors against sudden erosion of investment value without fundamental justification as stipulated in Article 170: ARTICLE 170: TRADING HALTS DUE TO EXTRAORDINARY MARKET VOLATILITY (INDEX CIRCUIT BREAKER RULE) Article 170: Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility (Index Circuit Breakers) (a) The Exchange shall halt trading in all stocks and shall not reopen for the time period specified in this Rule if there is a Significant Market move in either direction.(b) For purposes of this Rule, a Significant Market move means a 5% move in price of the All Share Index between 10:15a.m. and 13:45p.m.

On a trading day as compared to the closing price of the All Share Index for the immediately preceding trading day. (c) Halts in Trading: if a Market move occurs after 10.15 a.m. and any time up to and including 13.45 p.m. the Exchange shall halt trading in all stocks for 30 minutes.

The Exchange shall not halt trading if a Significant Market move occurs after 13.45 p.m. The Exchange shall halt and reopen trading based on a Significant Market move only once per trading day. (d) If, following the reopening of trading after a Significant Market move halt, the All Share Index moves further by a minimum of 5% below its closing value on the immediately preceding trading day, during any trading day

The Exchange will halt all trading for the remainder of the day. The last traded price in any security prior to the closing of the market shall be deemed the closing price in such security for the day. (e) Re-opening of Trading: the re-opening of trading following a trading halt shall follow the procedures as may be set forth by The Exchange. (f) Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to limit the ability of the Exchange to otherwise halt, suspend, or pause the trading in any stock or stocks traded on the Exchange pursuant to any other Exchange rule or policy.

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